Why Campaign for Palestine?


It might be of interest that you take a look at this video: “What is Nakba?” It provides a 6-minute explanation of how it came to be that kids might blow themselves up for a cause. View it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=megzzpTWajg&vl=en

If you had an hour to spend, this video of Miko Peled’s speech in Seattle would open your eyes. Miko is the son of a General in the Israeli Defence Force. His grandfather was part of the signing of Israel’s declaration of independence. Mike also served in the IDF. In 1997 his niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers. His speech shows where he went next. I met Miko at Labour Conference in September. The speech is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOaxAckFCuQ

Interestingly, the Palestinians do not  “seek to eliminate a whole race from the earth”, contrary to the media myth. Their fight is with Zionism, not Jews. They want equality. A single-state solution, which many Palestinians now want, would be the answer, but one where all had equal rights, with no special rights for any ethnic grouping. It is for this which I campaign.

Best wishes.

Pete Gregson, Edinburgh, Dec 2018

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